I work at a library, and we get all kinds of donations in addition to books - videos, beef jerky kits, wigs, and whatever the hell else people don't have room for in their dumpsters and want to palm off on us while feeling morally superior.
Well, yesterday, someone dropped off a box of Atari games. A retail box of twelve sealed, shrink-wrapped Cosmi games - six in diskette format, and six in cassette format. It's like they were released yesterday - that's how pristine they are, having never left their display case. How this kind of thing even exists today is a miracle unto itself, but I was incredibly psyched. I see here that these games rate between 6 and 8 in rarity. I wrote about them here :
http://www.collectorsquest.com/blog/201 ... 400-cosmi/
I've had a hard time finding info on these titles, and I think that this may be the first time that the cover of 'Meltdown at Megalopolis' has even found its way onto the web. I'm considering selling the whole lot, or at least the cassettes, as I don't have the right Atari to play them - or alternately, getting the right Atari.
Any thoughts?
Wanted to share an awesome find!
Moderator: Atari Frog
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:58 pm
Re: Wanted to share an awesome find!
If you want to sell or trade any of the software items please let me know