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xtremely rare cartridges and cassette for dump

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:28 am
by preciso_clv
I have this extremely rare Logo multisoft cartridge and grafĂ­quelo (spanish version of graph it)
Can see them on the following links. ... tisoft.jpg ... critor.jpg ... o-graph-it

I'm looking for somebody who can ...

1. Proof that you have the infraesctructure to dump the ROM (and/or save the cassette)
2. Proof that you will make the dump and screen shots available for everybody in
3. Swear on the Bible that you will not sell it, you can keep it, or return if it lacks space at your home or can't keepit anymore.
4. Pay for the shipping costs and taxes.
5. Take the risk. I don't know if they still work. My atari XE deads many years.

If you can do this 4 things click on my profile and send me a private message.