New ATARI ST Game - Laserball 2014

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New ATARI ST Game - Laserball 2014

Post by simoncam » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:22 pm

I am Thomas! I like to invite all ATARI ST fans to have a look at my „new“ ATARI ST Game „Laserball 2014“. It´s history is dating back to 1991 but the up to date version is bigger and better in every way. And I am still updating it!
“The Joy of Sticks” published a very nice review:

The game is already listed in the Atari-mania catalogue with a download. But I recommend downloading always the latest version for bug fixes and new stuff. For example: around 25 March a new language will be added to the game: French!

The full story and free download at:

Have fun!
Laserball 2014 loading screen
Laserball 2014 loading screen
LASER14_000.jpg (87.88 KiB) Viewed 22934 times
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Re: New ATARI ST Game - Laserball 2014

Post by simoncam » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:06 pm

Laserball 2014 got a nice little update over the Easter days. Not much but nice.
  • Animated menus… ok… let´s call it “changing colour menus”
  • Level Credits – each level can credit the author. I still hope that one day somebody feels like making one (or more) level for Laserball 2014 – the space for the credit is already there.
  • Bugfixes. Level Fixes.
  • And the biggest one comes from an input from the Atari Community: I changed the point system. Additional to the points for remaining time, there is now a “level bonus” for each level – depending on the difficulty. Before one only gets points from the time remaining + collecting bonuses on the playfield. If you do not run against the clock (timer off), then there have been some levels, where you do not get any points at all. With the level bonus you will get points for finishing a level – even if the timer is off and nothing to collect.
  • Level bonus and level credits are obviously also built into the level editor.
Update as usual on the

And please fill out the highly scientific user survey!!! ;)

Future announcement: I am playing with the idea of having a real physical boxed version of Laserball 2014 been made. With floppy, instructions and all the stuff. Who would be interested (beside me ;) ). Let me know here or via the Laserball 2014 Homepage, so that I get a feeling for how many I have to have produced.

Info for the Atari Mania Crew: I found that the Laseball entry in Atari Mania only holds the German Language Manual. There is a English Language Manual avalable for download from the Laserball homepage. You are very welcome to add this to Atari Mania
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