Here are all the listings from Atari 130xe games book... the book comes with a CHEXSUM program which (for most of the programs at least!) makes checking them a bit easier. For some of them though, I think they've probably deleted some lines/variables before going to print, not realising that would change the variable table... so for some, every line that contains a variable name fails the CHEXSUM test. OH well...
The authors are Richard Woolcock and Graeme Stretton - a couple of listings have a comment for G. STRETTON, but not all, so it's unclear who wrote what. Some use Joystick 1, others joystick 0, others keyboard... Here's the list of them all, including whether the CHEXSUM worked...
Chexsum - CHEXSUM.LST - p6
Bomber - BOMBER.BAS - p9-13 - Joystick 0 - OK
Othello - OTHELLO.BAS - p14-19 - Joystick 1 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Mountains - MOUNTAIN.BAS - p20-24 - Joystick 0 - OK
Vogons - VOGONS.BAS - p25-29 - Joystick 0 - OK
Life - LIFE.BAS - p30-34 - Joystick 1 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Ratmaze - RATMAZE.BAS - p35-39- QZIP keys - OK
2DMaze - 2DMAZE.BAS - p40-44 - Joystick 1 - OK
Minotaur - MINOTAUR.BAS - p45-50 - Joystick 1 - OK
Battleship - BATTLESH.BAS - p51-55 - Joystick 1 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Crypt - CRYPT.BAS - p56-60 - Keyboard - OK
Dungeons - DUNGEONS.BAS - p1-67 - QZIP keys - OK
Letrmaze - LETRMAZE.BAS - p68-73 - Joystick 0 - OK
Breakin - BREAKIN.BAS - p74-79 - Joystick 1 - OK
Racer - RACER.BAS - p80-84 - Joystick 1 - OK
Rocks - ROCKS.BAS - p85-89 - Joystick 1 - OK
Snowball - SNOWBALL.BAS - p90-94 - Joystick 1 - OK
Hunter - HUNTER.BAS - p95-99 - Joystick 1 - OK
Takeaway - TAKEAWAY.BAS - p100-104 - Keyboard - OK
Sortgame - SORTGAME.BAS - p105-109 - Keyboard - OK
Sleft - SLEFT.BAS - p110-114 - Joystick 0 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Oxo - OXO.BAS - p115-121 - Keyboard - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Pingpong - PINGPING.BAS - p122-126 - 2 player, Both Joysticks - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Rock Collector - ROCKCOLL.BAS - p126-129 - Joystick 0 or Keys IP - OK
Snakes - SNAKES.BAS - p130-133 - 2-player, Joystick 0 and Keys QZIP - OK
Diamond Hunt - DIAMOND.BAS - p134-138 - Joystick 0 or Keys QZ - OK
Spacman - SPACMAN.BAS - p139-143 - Joystick 0 or Keys QZIP - OK
Mazing - MAZING.BAS - p144-153 - Joystick 0 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Worma - WORMA.BAS - p154-158 - Joystik 0 - CHEXSUM BROKEN
Patrol Car - PATROLCA.BAS - p159-163 - Joystick 1 - OK
Robots - ROBOTS.BAS - p164-170 - Joystick 0/1 - OK
Zip attached containng all of these, and also CHEXSUM.LST, to be loaded with ENTER rather than LOAD.
Atari 130xe games book
Moderator: Atari Frog
Atari 130xe games book
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