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Atari 400/800 Field Service Manual - missing pages

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 11:40 am
by Kr0tki

I've noticed that the PDF of the Atari 400/800 Field Service Manual hosted at Atarimania ends abruptly on page 7-18 and therefore lacks about 1/4 of the pages.

A complete document (which only lacks the title page) is available on the Internet for many years, e.g. at You might want to replace your copy with that.

Re: Atari 400/800 Field Service Manual - missing pages

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:27 pm
by Allan
Thanks, Kr0tki.

I just saw this. I will update this soon. At the moment I am having issues updating to Atarimania but hopefully that will be fixed.

The manual I got was used that I got with a bunch of service manuals from eBay and I missed that it was not complete. I would love to buy new copies from Best Electronics but they are expensive. Hopefully some more people will get the arching bug and help out with buying manuals to scan and post.
