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New rips...

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:24 am
by zektor
I posted some dozen or so new rips...most (if not all) I believe are MIA titles. I would have posted them here if there were an "attach file" function, as I have no FTP space :) Quoted from AA:

have *much* respect for all of the folks that have previously ripped disks. This is quite time consuming icon_smile.gif

Well, keeping with my word, I used a good portion of my day off and went through one box of the disks I recently acquired, checking/testing/matching titles to the current MIA list. Here is what I came up with and successfully ripped:

Adventure On A Boat
B-1 Nuclear Bomber
Computer Football Strategy
Great War - 1914
Jerry White's Music Lessons
Re-Ripped Jingle Disk (explanation to follow)
Market Forces
Sports Spectacular
Star League Baseball (seems to be a variant, maybe lost preview disk?)
Statistics I
Galactic Adventures
Labyrinth of Crete
Pharoah's Curse


There are a few I current CANNOT copy, and I have tried PRO and ATR formats....every time they boot half way and then stop loading. These programs are "Math Football" and "Decimals". The disks are labeled "A Product Of The Software Guild" and run a SG logo before running the said title. Can anybody assist in any ideas for ripping these correctly?

I have another disk that matches the name of a game on the list, although the company does not match. "The Quest" by "Penguin Software". Does this need ripping? I tried anyway, and again, another disk that refuses to copy correctly.

B-1 Nuclear Bomber is part is a multi-title disk, so I am not sure if this is what is wanted. I ripped it anyway.

While I can get "Cave-In" to load by loading binary file, I cannot seem to run anything on the Jerry White Music Lessons, Market Forces, Divex, or Adventure On A Boat titles. What on earth am I doing wrong?

The programs ripped to PRO format need to be this way. I originally ripped them to ATR with no success....which leads me to believe they are indeed copy protected. The PRO rips work fine.

Star League Baseball seems different than the release I have on the HD. It has a load screen that the current rip does not. AND, if you try to run this on an 800XL, it thinks you have a basic cart inside the unit and will not boot. I had to switch to 800 OSB (Ape Warp rocks) to get it to boot. Maybe this is the preview disk in the MIA list?

I found the "Jingle Disk" in the lot. I know it is ripped, and I had it on the HD previously. BUT, the ATR I had seems to have been ripped incorrectly. If you load it and press "1" for the jingle music/graphics, a graphical error appears on the screen and the program freezes. My rip does not exhibit this behavior. Kind of glad I found this with the holidays coming up icon_smile.gif

Again, if anybody can assist in answering my questions and/or helping me rip the mentions disks correctly, it will be much appreciated.


Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:39 pm
by deathtrappomegranate
Excellent work, many thanks!