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CD Player with Atari 800 XL ?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 1:49 pm
by ichichich
I've got an MSX computer with tape recorder. For the MSX, every tape recorder with standard headphone/ microphone connector is is suitable to be used as a data recorder. To make a backup of my old tape games, I connected a tape recorder to my PC and recorded all thouse beep sounds, using a WAV-recorder software. Then I saved these audio tracks on a CD-R. As every CD player has got a standard headphone connector, I can connect my CD player to my MSX as if it was a tape recorder - and it works! Of course it still takes up to 10 minutes to load a game, but at least I have got perfect backups that will never lose their quality, and 10-12 games fit on one CD.
I would like to do the same with Atari XL/XE tapes, but I have no idea how to connect a CD player to the tape port of my Atari. Any ideas anyone?

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 5:06 pm
by deathtrappomegranate
There are some adaptors that allow you to connect standard audio equipment to your Atari computer. One such is the Compu-Mate from General Electric, although there are others. They appear on ebay from time to time.

However, you can also use the utilities wav2cas and cas2wav ( .

wav2cas will allow you to store a digital image of an Atari cassette (typically <64K) and cas2wav uses such an image to produce a .wav file, which should be much cleaner than the original. The .wav can be saved on CD, or even recorded onto a cassette. You could keep the .cas files safely on your hard drive, or removable media, and just make a cassette or CD as needed.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:43 am
by Atari Frog
The Mega CD Interface was available in Eastern Europe. Here are some details:

Atari Frog