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Looking for name of Adventure/text/graphics game...

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:34 pm
by nickcam
All I can remember (this is 20 years ago now) is that the game was an adventure with text and graphics. One of the rooms that anyone who played it would remember is when you grabbed some gold/treasure the rooms walls started closing in on you. If you had picked up the IRON ROD from another room you could use it on the walls and jam it up. It would say "SHADES OF STAR WARS!" and continue you on your way. There was another room where goblins were protecting a bridge and they had a gold idol in there possession. The cool thing about the game was that it was one of the only I remember that actually had the ability to buy better weapons etc and be able to eventually kill the goblins. There was a store/provisioner at the beginning that sold TONS of weapons like falchions and bastard swords etc and they all had individual stats. Very rare for a text/graphic adventure. The combat sequence with any fight showed you on one side and the enemy on the other and had rounds of fighting where you could damage the enemy and then he would damage you. Hope this is enough to spark someones memory. Thanks