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Missing items, not able to complete MyAtariMania List

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:09 pm
by orpheuswaking
Hi there,

I was trying the myatarmania feature and cannot enter my complete collection as the follwoing are missing, or not complete in the database. Is there anyway to correct this? Thanks!

Cart & Disk
KoalaPainter - Koala
Microsoft Basic II - Atari (USA)
Robbo Forever - GR8

R-Time 8 - ICD
Supersketch - PPI

Atari Diskette Pack - Atari (UK)
Brundles Editor - Ke-Soft
CX85 Disk - Atari (USA)
Hellcat ace (UK Version) - Microprose (UK)
Kolony 2106 - Nemesyz
Mastertype - Lightning Software
Micro Illustrator - Koala
Micropainter - Datasoft
Mini Office II - Database
Music Construction Set - Ariola
Paperclip - Batteries Included
Print Shop Companion - Broderbund
Print Shop Graphics Lib Disk 1 - Broderbund
Printwiz - Allen Macroware
Scapeghost - Level 9
Solo Flight (Uk Version) - Microprose (UK)
Soundtracker - ANG
Super Clone - frontrunner
Taskmaster - Rambit
The Greatest Hits (Soundtracker Files) - FM Software
toomings demo - ?
Zone Patrol - MicroDisocunt

Atari Compilation - Atari (UK)
Atari Computing (magazine tapes) 1-11 - Argus
Graph it - Atari
Joystick Sketchpad - Atari
Micro rhythm - Firebird/Silverbrd
Solitaire - APX
Tank Commander - Top Ten
Tricky Tutorials 3,4,5,6, - Santa Cruz
Voice Box I - Alien Group

Items in database, but will not allow to select correct media
Word Attack - Davidson (Disk)
FSII Scenery Disk 1 - SubLogic (Disk)
Zybex - Micro Discount (Disk)
Mankala - APX (Tape)

Re: Missing items, not able to complete MyAtariMania List

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:19 pm
by orpheuswaking
Nobody actually reads these?

Re: Missing items, not able to complete MyAtariMania List

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:44 pm
by atarimania
Bertrand ?

Re: Missing items, not able to complete MyAtariMania List

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:48 am
by Atari Frog
Fixed some of the pages.

Not perfect yet because a number of records are incomplete but you should at least be able to enter most of the games (still need to work on some of the titles).

Atari Frog